dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Chris Evans Is Starting to Speak Like His Toddler Nephew

Chris Evans: Chris is known for his role as Captain America and ever since the movie he's been escalating to one of Americas favorite male actor. He's every teenage girls dream guy other than that Justin Bieber character. Him and his fellow cast mates from The Avengers have been super close since the movie., and since he's been working on Captain America 2 he hasn't seen much of them or heard from them. Also, his role as Captain America has become rougher due to the fact he has developed feelings for one of his cast mates. In other news, Chris, has been dealing with a stalker since the first Captain America, his sources have told him it's possible for it to be one of his ex girlfriends. He's been trying to figure out which one it could be, but it won't be that hard since he's only had 3 girlfriends, and hasn't been interested in any girl since 2009. Chris has always been deprived of sleep due to the fact he has really bad dreams caused by his childhood past. He was beaten by his father and watched as his father beat his mother. The images of these events have stayed with him and have haunted him since then. He's always promised his self he would never love anyone cause he didn't want to end up like his parents. For this reason, Chris has trust issues and is depressed for over thinking things. Will he ever get rid of his nightmares? Will he ever trust someone? Will he ever find love?