mardi 27 octobre 2015

John Newman girlfriend bikini big problems

John Newman, whose real name is John William Peter Newman; Settle was born in a small town in North Yorkshire, England. He quickly realized that music was his passion and he could do something. Self-taught, he began his career at his home in.... cupboard beneath the stairs of the family home he transforms into the studio to compose his first tunes. Quickly, he participates in the development of the securities "Feel the Love" and "Not Giving In" for Rudimental group, which reveal the eyes of the whole England in 2012. A year later, he released his first album Solo called "Tribute", becoming Platinum Record in England. On it we find the powerful "Love Me Again" which he wrote and directed entirely. A piece that takes us back to the golden age of soul and Motown and Stax groove period, with a hint of James Brown and Prince, Black Keys and sprinkled with a little Dangerous.